CoNTRACTED annually to create baseball hof class induction painting

art chosen for the 2019 baseball hof induction program cover

FARANO’S ORIGINAL PAINTINGS have eclisped the seven figure MARK

Commissioned to create retirement painting for derek jeter

Commissioned to create retirement painting for david ortiz

selected to decorate new york yankees player clubhouse

endorsed & Sponsored by Charvin oil Paints

appeared on mlb network, espn, fox, yes network, & NESN TV Broadcasts

Featured In numerious Magazines & publications

Partnered with numerous high profile charities including Taste of the NFL, Big Game Big Give & Ray of Hope

Artist Justyn Farano is deeply grateful for the success, honors, and awards he has earned throughout his career. The challenges and struggles he faced early on shaped him, building his resilience. Despite these hardships, Farano pushed forward. His relentless drive for even greater achievement has been the key to keeping him motivated, grounded, and humble. What he has accomplished at this stage in his career, and at such a young age, is what most artists hope to achieve over a lifetime.